Mange in Cats
Mange in cats is a skin condition caused by tiny mites. Any cat can catch mange, and it is contagious to humans as well. Learn about the types of mange that affect cats and how to treat them.
Mange in cats is a skin condition caused by tiny mites. Any cat can catch mange, and it is contagious to humans as well. Learn about the types of mange that affect cats and how to treat them.
Chocolate is toxic to cats, so much so that it can cause vomiting, diarrhea, or even death. Be sure to keep chocolate and cats separate.
Feline immunodeficiency virus vaccine, an important medical breakthrough for pets, gives cat owners and activists concerns about its effectiveness.
Some folks say finding a shed cat whisker is good luck. Why do cats shed them, though? And when should you become concerned? This article will answer these questions and more.
Rabies is a fatal and contagious virus that can affect cats. Learn about the signs of rabies in cats and what to do about them.
Learn some of the commonly-used types of anesthetics used for cats.
Renal failure is an incurable kidney problem in cats that can sometimes be managed. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Do cats that go outside get sunburn? What cats are more at risk and how can you prevent you cat from getting sunburned?
Cleaning your cat's ears should be a part of regular grooming habits. Here's how to do it properly while keeping your cat calm.
Cyproheptadine is a medication that can be used in cats for a variety of reasons including appetite stimulation. Learn about this and other uses.
While more common in male cats, some female cats can have a bad habit of spraying urine. Find out what this behavior means and how to stop it.
Gingivitis is common in cats. This gum disease can be very painful and lead to tooth loss or infections. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Coccidia is an intestinal parasite that can affect many species including cats. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Did you know that dryer sheets and fabric softeners can be poisonous to cats? Here's how to keep cats safe from the chemicals in the laundry room.
Anemia is a sign that your cat does not have enough red blood cells. Learn more about anemia, related conditions, and how to reduce the risk in your cat.
Regular teeth brushing can improve your cat’s overall health. We asked vets for their picks for the best cat toothbrushes.
Whisker fatigue may result from repeated rubbing of a cat's whiskers, most commonly on the sides of a bowl, and result in stress for the cat. Learn how to prevent this condition and keep your cat happier.
Vestibular disease impacts a cat's ability to balance itself. It can result from other infections. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Rodent ulcers are lesions on cats' lips that look scary but have nothing to do with rodents. Learn the causes, treatment, and prevention.
Giving a cat a pill can be tough. Learn effective ways to give your cat its medication without the struggle of using liquid.