16 Dapper Gray and White Cat Breeds
Gray and white cat breeds are quite striking, boasting charcoal and ivory swirls, tabby patterns, and more. Here are 16 gray and white cat breeds to consider adding to your household.
Gray and white cat breeds are quite striking, boasting charcoal and ivory swirls, tabby patterns, and more. Here are 16 gray and white cat breeds to consider adding to your household.
The Korat cat, or Si-Sawat, is a stunning feline full of personality. Learn more about the care and origins of this blue Thai cat breed.
Some black cats look different in the sunlight. Whether it's cat genetics, a mutation, or a summer "rust," learn why they appear to have another coat.
Elf cats are a new, rare cross between a sphynx and American curl with curly ears and a playful personality.
Curly-haired cat breeds like the Devon Rex and Cornish Rex are great cats for people seeking beautiful cats with personable temperaments. Read on to view our list of curly-haired cat breeds.
Ragdolls are known for being confident, friendly, and lovable with kids and dogs. Learn about the ragdoll cat breed.
All kittens are born with blue eyes. But some cat breeds, including the Balinese and Birman, keep them into adulthood.
Learn about the American Curl cat, including breed characteristics, care, and other helpful information for pet owners.
The Norwegian forest cat (or wegie) is a large, playful feline who sports striking long fur that helped them survive the chilly Norwegian winters.
Calico cats boast unique tri-color coats, and they are famous for being both spunky and sweet. Learn about the calico cat color pattern.
The somali cat is a beautiful long-haired breed closely related to the Abyssinian. Smart and playful, these cats crave constant companionship. Learn about the Somali cat breed, including appearance, temperament, and care needs.
The Egyptian mau cat is a rare breed that dates back at least 3,000 years. Learn more about their beauty, athleticism, and intelligence.
Bengal cats are a cross between wild cats and domestic cats. Learn more about what they look like and pictures of this beautiful spotted breed.
Hairless cats like sphynx and elf cats have distinctly wrinkled skin and prominent features. Read on to see if naked cat breeds are right for you.
Pixie-bob cats, which some believe to be a hybrid of American bobcats and barn cats, may look wild but are easy going, trainable, and playful.
The Lykoi cat is a rare, partially hairless cat with a wolf-like appearance. They are an outgoing, friendly breed that loves to meet new people and play, and they are especially loyal to their people.
Learn about the history of Norwegian forest cats, and check out cute pictures of Norway's national cat.
The colorpoint shorthair cat resembles its relative, the Siamese, but it has many more color variations. Learn about the colorpoint shorthair breed.
The snowshoe cat, a mix of the American shorthair and Siamese, is a smart and affectionate pet that loves company. Learn about the snowshoe cat breed, including temperament, appearance, and care needs.
"Mixed-breed" is a catch-all term for cats without pedigrees. Called moggies in the UK, these cats make perfect pets. Learn about the mixed-breed cat.