Reasons Why Your Cat is Overgrooming and How to Stop It
Cat overgrooming behavior can be caused by stress and anxiety. Use these techniques to get your feline to relax.
Cat overgrooming behavior can be caused by stress and anxiety. Use these techniques to get your feline to relax.
Pets can have a hard time dealing with the loss of another pet in your home. Help them cope with pet loss and grief with these tips.
Cats are known to stare at humans while they sleep. Find out why and how to stop it.
Cats pooping outside the litter box can be a sign of a medical or behavioral problem. If your cat is pooping on the rug, learn how to stop it.
Cats use a variety of non-verbal language to communicate. Learn to understand cat purrs, meows, and body language to decode your feline's messages.
With some imagination, patience, and a willing cat, you can teach your cat to play fetch a toy. Learn how and help your kitty get some exercise.
Some cats are more dominant than others, and this can lead to issues in multiple-cat households. Find out what you can do to deal with an anxious cat.
Cats can follow their owners around for a few different reasons. Find out what your cat is trying to tell you if they follow you around.
Feral cats are defined as the wild offspring of domestic cats, which usually happens when pet cats wind up living on the streets and give birth to kittens who never have human contact.
Cats may not cover their poop for a few different reasons, including being territorial, sending a message to their owner, and not liking the litter.
Learn what causes common kitty behavior problems, including chronic licking, aggression, urinary issues, and more, as well as how to solve them.
Is your cat not using the litter box? Learn what could be causing these litter box problems and how to solve them.
Urine spraying, or marking, is different than urinating outside of the litter box. Learn about why cats will urine spray and what to do about it.
Your cat could have many reasons for staring at you, and many of them aren't a reason for concern. Learn why your cat can't takes its eyes off you.
Feliway is one of the most well-known cat behavior products on the market, but does it work? It can, and there are ways you can make it more effective.
Cat owners can learn "cat talk" and get a deeper understanding of how cats use their cat ears to communicate different emotions.
Petting aggression is common in cats. You start petting your cat, she enjoys the attention, and then she suddenly attacks you. Learn the signs of petting aggression and how to stop it.
Crate training is not just for dogs. Follow these steps to train your cat to the crate so you can have less stressful car rides and vet visits.
Sometimes, it's necessary to hide kitty litter, especially when you have young children or dogs. These DIY litter box enclosure ideas conceal and contain.
Does your cat like to hang out on top of tall furniture? Here's why cats like high places.